Come and Take It
Come and Take It is a talk show about Texas, by Texans. Three friends born and raised in Texas share their views on the state’s history, culture, and just what it means to be Texan.
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#147: Houston Astros Part One
41 minutes
Download MP3 audioThe Houston Astros are not an old franchise. They don’t have the 100-plus year history of the Boston Red Sox or the Chicago Cubs, and they don’t get the worldwide recognition of the New York Yankees. But to Houston and the surrounding area, the Astros are more than just a baseball team. They’re part of the fabric of this oil town that became an international hub of commerce, culture, and Texan pride.
Before we begin… What’s your favorite ballpark snack?
Timeline of the Houston Astros as presented for their 50th anniversary in 2012.
100 Things Astros Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die by Brian McTaggart. This book was a huge inspiration for finally getting off our duffs and talking about the Astros. If you love the Astros, you should be following McTaggart on Twitter
Read about the first meeting of a base ball club in Houston, as well as the first professional game on record, which took place at the San Jacinto Battleground.
Our history of the other professional baseball team in Texas, the Texas Rangers
Johnson Space Canter, another significant arrival to the scene in 1960s Houston, Texas.
The Free State of Galveston, wherein we talk about Scott’s Great Uncle Russell and his offseason card-dealing while playing for the Houston Buffaloes
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