Your Hosts

#331: Time for a Siesta
13 minutes
We love Texas. We love talking about Texas. After six and half years of exploring the history and culture of the Lone Star state, we three Texans are ready to take a break.
#330: NYE 2019
22 minutes
If you’re subscribed and caught up, Happy New Year! Today we reflect on some great Texas New Year questions as we look back on 2019 and look forward to 2020.
#329: Best of: A Texas Christmas Classic
16 minutes
On December 23, 1927, a gang of men led by Santa Claus robbed a bank and set off one of the largest manhunts in the history of Texas. It is one of the most astonishing stories of infamy and ineptitude in the history of crime.
#328: Texas Boot Stories Volume One: The Makers
23 minutes
Texas if full of iconic imagery: The Lone Star Flag, the Alamo, cowboy hats, pickup trucks, and—perhaps most iconically—cowboy boots. Today we’re talking about some of the people who put Texan footwear on the map.
#327: Mexican Governors of Texas: Part Two
17 minutes
It’s easy to imagine that Texas sprang into being just in time for the Texas Revolution, but it was actually part of another revolution before that. For thirteen years, Texas was under the control of Mexico and the men in charge of the state were often as idealistic—and flawed—as the men who would run the Republic of Texas after them. Today is part two of the Mexican Governors of Texas.
#326: Mexican Governors of Texas: Part One
17 minutes
It’s easy to imagine that Texas sprang into being just in time for the Texas Revolution, but it was actually part of another revolution before that. For thirteen years, Texas was under the control of Mexico and the men in charge of the state were often as idealistic—and flawed—as the men who would run the Republic of Texas after them. Today is part one of the Mexican Governors of Texas.
#325: CATI Watches: Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier
42 minutes
He heard of Houston an’ Austin so, to the Texas plains he jest had to go, Where freedom was fightin’ another foe, an’ they needed him at the Alamo. This week we talk about the legendary Disney movie ‘Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier’.
#324: Best of CATI: Texas’ First Thanksgiving
24 minutes
This week revisit a holiday favorite. There were no turkeys, pumpkin pies, or Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving celebrated in Texas. In fact, it occurred over 20 years before any Englishman set foot on Plymouth Rock. This week we look at the remarkable story of America’s REAL first Thanksgiving!
#323: Waylon Jennings Part Two
22 minutes
He was the ultimate country music outlaw, who broke from the Nashville norm and forged his own path. This week we continue our discussion of the legendary Waylon Jennings.
#322: Waylon Jennings Part One
22 minutes
He was the ultimate country music outlaw, and somehow it’s taken us six years to record an episode on this Texas legend. This week we talk about the one and only Waylon Jennings.