Scott Elfstrom
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A child of the Texas Gulf Coast, Scott was born and raised in Texas City. He lived there until he attended college at the University of Texas at Dallas, where he met his Come and Take It co-hosts Mike and Sean.
As a native product of the Lone Star State, Scott’s uniquely Texan upbringing included yearly trips to the deer lease (Blanco, Smiley, Leakey), Garner State Park, and Lake Travis. For the first ten years of his life, he thought the only beer was Lone Star, and still fondly remembers visiting the brewery in San Antonio.
Now a web developer living in Plano, Scott is married with two children. He writes some things, and occasionally publishes them on his website. He’s getting tired of just sitting on the couch watching the world go by, and excited to make things and share them with the world.