Come and Take It
Come and Take It is a talk show about Texas, by Texans. Three friends born and raised in Texas share their views on the state’s history, culture, and just what it means to be Texan.
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#178: The Hoblitzelle Majestics
31 minutes
Download MP3 audioThe early twentieth century was the era of vaudeville. Unique live acts took their performances all over the world performing in all varieties of theatres, but the best were grand palaces filled with lavish decoration and tributes to classical architectural styles. Many of these theaters survived vaudeville and found new life and elegant movie palaces. Texas, of course, had its share, including the Majestics, a string of venues operated by Karl Hoblitzelle and his Interstate Amusement Company.
Before we begin… What’s your favorite Texas-themed item that you’ve made with your own hands?
- Silver screens: Majestic movie palaces across the USA
- Majestic Theatre - Dallas
- History of the Majestic Theatre in San Antonio
- MAJESTIC THEATRE (SAN ANTONIO) | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)
- HOBLITZELLE, KARL ST. JOHN | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)
- Cinema Houston - The Picture Palaces
- Majestic Theatre in Houston, TX - Cinema Treasures
- Author recalls Houston’s majestic old theaters - Houston Chronicle
- The Majestic Theaters of Houston - Bayou City History
- PARAMOUNT THEATRE | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)
- HOBLITZELLE, KARL ST. JOHN | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)
- Paramount History : Paramount Theatre Austin
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