Come and Take It
Come and Take It is a talk show about Texas, by Texans. Three friends born and raised in Texas share their views on the state’s history, culture, and just what it means to be Texan.
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#59: Haunted Texas: Hotels
30 minutes
Download MP3 audioIt is that time of year again, when our minds turn to the strange, bewildering, and sometimes downright creepy parts of history. There is no shortage of ghost stories in Texas, and—perhaps strangely, perhaps conveniently—many of them revolve around places that are trying to attract people to spend their money. Today we are talking about Haunted Texas hotels.
Before we begin… What’s your favorite Texas ghost story?
The Adolphus Hotel has plenty of hauntings of its own.
A couple of different accounts of Steven Spielberg’s encounter with ghosts in Jefferson:
Haunted Hotel Where Steven Spielberg Fears to Tread from bumpinthenightblog.
Legends of America has a good overview of the hauntings at the Menger Hotel.
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