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Come and Take It

Come and Take It is a talk show about Texas, by Texans. Three friends born and raised in Texas share their views on the state’s history, culture, and just what it means to be Texan.

Your Hosts

Mike Zolkoski
Scott Elfstrom
Sean McIver

#28: Most Hallowed Ground: Goliad

29 minutes

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The Presidio Nuestra Señora de Loreto de la Bahía,more commonly known as Goliad, has a long history as some of the most fought over ground in Texas. For over a century, the Presidio, or fortress, at Goliad had been one of the most important military installations in Texas, and was the center of several bloody battles. The most famous of these was on March 27, 1836, Palm Sunday, when the Texan garrison of Goliad, under Col. James Fannin, was marched out of the presidio and executed by their Mexican captors. This massacre would spur Texas forces on in their fight for independence. This week we Remember Goliad!

Before we begin… Who’s your favorite non-TV reporter TV personality?

Texas State Parks and Wildlife The Texas State Parks and Wildlife Department maintains both the Presido and the beautiful mission at Goliad. Find out information on how to visit this great historic site!

Presidio at La Bahia This is the official website of the Presidio at La Bahia, lots of fascinating and very in depth history.

Sons of DeWitt Colony One of our favorite sites is the Sons of DeWitt Colony, which has lots of great first hand accounts of the battle and the massacre

Texas Escapes Texas Escapes also has some good links to different sites about the battle and about visiting the entire Goliad area.

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