Come and Take It
Come and Take It is a talk show about Texas, by Texans. Three friends born and raised in Texas share their views on the state’s history, culture, and just what it means to be Texan.
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#54: Forgotten Republics of Texas
32 minutes
Download MP3 audioThe Texas Revolution was only one of many rebellions that caught fire during independent Mexico’s first turbulent decades. Even before 1835—and certainly after—there were different efforts within Texas itself to create separate republics. This week, we talk about two of those: the Republic of Fredonia and the Republic of the Rio Grande. These republics were both a cause to, and a result of, the Texas Revolution in some very surprising ways.
Before we begin… What’s your favorite State that borders Texas?
One of our favorite sites on the web is the Sons of DeWitt Colony. As always, they have a tremendous page on the Fredonia Rebellion, one of the most important steps Texas took towards independence from Mexico.
The historic declaration of independence by the Fredonian Republic can be found at this site from the Texas Heritage Socity.
The official site of the Republic of the Rio Grande Museum, located in downtown Laredo. It’s the only place in Texas where there are seven flags of Texas on display.
After you visit the museum in Larado, swing by the Republic of the Rio Grande Restaraunt and Cantina!
There are two great pages about the Republic of the Rio Grande, also from the Sons of DeWitt Colony:
“The Republic of the Rio Grande: A Story of Its Rise and Fall”—An excerpt from Romance and Tragedy of Texas History by Sam Houston Dixon, 1924
Republic of the Rio Grande by Milton Lindheim
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